Thursday, February 21, 2008

Clearing Up the Air && Embarrassment

Hey Everyone, Thanks for checking out my blog! If your reading this you have seen my youtube or myspace  or personally know me, either way thanks for the support!! 
With this being my First Blog entry I didn't want to cram alot in here but then I realized I 
have alot to say lol. 

Okay Lets start off with "rumors" about the group! If you have seen my Myspace or heard about us I was in a group called "Se'cret". Some of you heard that we are taking a break from the industry as a group it is true, we are all still pursuing different areas in the industry though so do still support us all!

Next, Everyone keeps asking about my Location. I am currently in Ohio, that is correct. I have had alot of family emergencies, my grandma is not well and my great grandma had a blood clot in her brain, great grandpa had a heart attack and aunt is currently in the hospital [please keep them in your prayers]. As you can imagine its pretty im
portant i be here. For the people who are just hating and want to act like I "fell off" regardless if i am in atlanta [it is only a drive away] or california or even ohio i make music where-ever i am so stop making up crazii stuff lol.

Nothing can take the place of hardwork, talent will not! there is nothing in this world more common than unsuccessful talented men.
meaning work is necessary to make it anywhere in this world! Yes I do have a job and people keep talking about it like thats bad! I bought my mac laptop with my minimum wage job and and am paying for drivers education with my job money and plane tickets and this and that i have expenses so i have a job! lets not hate! its the main ones talking that wish they had a job so they have money sitting in their checking account lol.

How Embarrassing: So I was at work yesterday and there is this guy who always comes in and he's grown but he's gorgeous lol. He always comes in and i thought he left so i go in the back and i was saying how gorgeous he was and how his eyes were amazing and how I'm disappointed he's older; so then i turn around and the guys at my job are like he's still up there Jessica so i laugh and walk up there. Then the guys yell go get him jessica get that number this and that. My cheeks turned so red i couldn't feel my face hahah so he wanted some ketchup i couldn't even look him in the face without laughing i was so embarrassed i just went in the back and put my head down.. i wonder what he'll think next time i see him lol.
I didn't eat anything yesterday either or today so i feel horrible but if anyone knows of a good photographer around the ATL, Ohio, Cali or NY area please forward their name and site thank you!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

This is my first time on your blog and I found the link through one of your videos and it was my first time watching any of them. Just like to tell you that you have a beautiful voice and keep working hard because it will definately pay off later.

Im a dancer from Cali but I commute sometimes between NoCal SoCal and Atl. I would say the best photographer in LA is...
Mike Quain

And in ATL I believe Derek Blanks is good....

Hope this helps, Good luck!